Make data brokers money printer
stop going brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
stop going brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
(4min read)
TL:DR 📖 we legally act on your behalf requesting data be removed, file non-compliance complaints to authorities, and escalate through multiple legal steps, and proactively inform databases and brokers infrastructure suppliers and clients of their non-compliance.
What is Slaps PII removal service?
We action removal requests to mitigate cyber security risks and reduce spam. We advise using a PII removal service as one of your security steps to help prevent:
We know that limiting PII exposure online is a best practice cyber security step.
What data do we remove?
Anything and everything we can. Initially we are focused on B2B contact databases that hold mobile phone numbers, personal emails, work emails, date of birth, dates of education or anything else that can be used to identify you.
A legal contract between you and Slaps is required to remove PII data:
The purpose of the contract is to give us (Slaps) agency to remove details, file complaints, escalate through the Australian court system, provide details to OAIC to act on behalf of Australians in foreign jurisdictions, compile data for class action law suits internationally.
Action enabled by giving Slaps legal agency:
What is an APP entity, who is Slaps targeting?
This means any contact database, broker, search aggregator, or waterfall contact detail supplier as they fall into the buckets of: collect; use; disclose; and store of personal information.
People we can’t help:
Politicians, those with personal data in the public domain, people who have changed with LinkedIn profiles from hide details to share contact details, those who have given explicit consent for their data to be sold, and those who are not verified via IDverse and LinkedIn OpenID.
Does it work?
Yes. If they don’t remove the data they are very likely breaching the Australia Privacy Act 1988 and participating in the illegal to use, supply or acquisition of addresses harvested by software per the The Spam Act 2003 (Cth).
“Your business must avoid using address-harvesting software in all instances.” - Legalvision
What we do to compel removal from bad actors, those who refuse:
Common excuses and responses:
We hear and do not apply to companies breaching and/or illegally harvesting contact details. Use opt-out links, ignoring the request, verification demands, partial compliancy, temporary removal, claiming valid explicit consent to hold the data, data non-existence claim, jurisdictional excuses, claiming a cost to process, amongst others.
You are not alone. 90% of Australians want businesses and government agencies to do more to protect their personal information - OAIC.
How we make money:
Want to learn more?
Details, agency, and state of privacy online
Start actioning removal requests with databases
We take action at scale to help remove PII
Inform their clients and suppliers of breaches