AI 💘 personal data.
Let's remove yours.

Less spam calls, emails and phishing attempts.

45 seconds. 150 databases.
Remove your personally identifiable information with Slaps.
📝 Declare we can act on your behalf with the form
🤌 Outreach begins.
🖲️ Track without a login.
💳 No Credit Card required.
🪪 No additional PII shared.

Save the UUID and track your progress here

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We remove personally identifiable data

We 🎯target any data associated with your LinkedIn profile
Full breakdown of removal steps


Details, agency, and state of privacy online

Request removal

Start actioning removal requests with databases


We take action at scale to help remove PII


Inform their clients and suppliers of breaches

Options for PII data removal

Free pre-written emails
Mailto: links in the GoogleSheet will open to Gmail or Outlook with the subject line, body, privacy opt out email address and body pre-populated
8hrs + opt outs.
Scan, Delete & Monitor
We represent you in Australia and abroad to remove email addresses, phone numbers, home addresses and more from the internet.
while in(beta)

It was an instant increase in spam calls and phishing attacks in the weeks after our employees contact details were distributed by databrokers.

P. Sherman, CTO of a big ass company